De la munca…unde o sa tot stau azi…


E un mos, care pleaca iute acasa. Pe la 5 ,  5 si jumatate se usuie. Acu’ vreo 5 minute, cred, se sifona subtil. Asa face mereu. Inchiriaza masina si la plecare tace malc si nu ia pe nimeni. Nu e bai. Gasim cu ce sa plecam . Iar azi am masina cu mine. Acu’ se intoarse avand un rictus macabru si fata pamantie. Si zice cu accent doicicanez :

– Like in the Democratic Republic of Germany ( de unde e si el) , they have closed everything and we’re trapped in!
-Mmm, is the building’s door locked? You can get out through the factory…zic eu.
-No, no… The gate is locked , I can’t get out with the car. Probably Mr. Gorbaciov is coming to visit our factory.

Glume de comunisti batrani… Aproape ca plange. Empatic si compasional cum ma stiti mai ca-mi vine sa ii zic : “Hahaha, ti-ai furat-o! Ore suplimentare pana dimineata :)! . Gen , vezi eu sunt tanar si sar gardu’ pana la masina !”

Ma mai uit odata afara. Imi vad masina . Dar nu prin gard, ca am parcat ca handicapatii la usa, cand am venit de la masa.

– Pfuuu’ , ‘ra-ti ai dracu’ de idioti cu lagaru’ vostru!
-What is that ?
-Yea, like Eastern Germany , indeed! Do you know someone that can unlock us , kind of like  – this evening?
-What is “kind of like” ?
… Ma-ta!

-It means that I am not planning to sleep here .

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