Breaking News: Bruxelles. Who’s Next is not as important as how often

I don’t want to comment this attack  . It’s likely that there will be others. It’s a matter of statistics and that the security services acting in Europe are simply not prepared for this. For this scale/ degree  of terror infiltration.  The population as well. Probably the people are frightened of the idea that :”wtf, aren’t there any solutions to this ?

There are. There will be. Not very popular amongst the people of today , but they will be vouched for when they will be applied.

Every person I know , living in Europe , was looking suspicious and was laughing at me when I was telling them about the security measures that Israel takes from the airport to every public building that I entered in my few trips there.  All those that I know would say  have said that you have to be so  silly to live there and accept such an intrusion within your right of freedom and   that they would never go in a country where you’re being searched / scanned at every gate when you enter  , where the streets are patrolled by gunned officers with assault rifles. That can’t be  a secure place and for sure you cannot feel free there – was what they were saying .

Erm , very well guys , no need for you to go anywhere. You have it all at home, just take your popcorn and walk the streets for it.

But note that when your history of terror attacks looks like this,   you start to see with different eyes the intrusion in your right of freedom. Because it is for sure an intrusion, but likely is that you’ll make some concessions on your own freedom, only  to increase your chances of survival, the right to a life  being to some extent more valuable than the absolute freedom.

Yes, that is what I tell you . Solutions already exist and  they are applied elsewhere with a measurable degree of success ( look at how low are the casualties in terror attacks from Israel log in comparing to the recent attacks in Europe and Turkey.

Europe used to be a heaven of social security.  Only because the inhabitants were valuing that. Forget about that now and get used to what it is. You wanted it. You are the people who cared. For those that don’t even care about  themselves. You are those pledging for politically correctness and for placing the equality sign between those who were building and sustaining a civilisation model and those coming here to steal it. You are the ones  proud to be  prejudice free, so good fucking luck with that now !



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8 years ago

Da da, meseriasii din Israel m-au impresionat si pe mine prima data cand am fost acolo. Prietena: ma, astia cu pm-ul pe umar nu-s cam tineri asa sa se plimbe cu munitie de razboi in incarcatoare, gen? Io: ma astia-s prietenii tai cei mai buni in tara asta, crede-ma. Probabil asa o sa fie si in EU, ii vom vedea din nou pe jandarmii cu Kalashu pe umar (care au disparut de pe strazi de ceva vreme, who noticed?). Si nu inteleg de ce sa nu treci prin scanner cand te duci la autobuz si la meci si etc. Io… Read more »

8 years ago

stii cum e, era prea fain sa tina. asa ca la bloc, e suficient un bou ca sa le mearga prost la toti. plus ca nu stiu de ce, dar civilizatia asta si superioritatea morala parca merg la pachet cu slabiciunea fizica, asa ca, precum s-a demonstrat de nenumarate ori in istorie, imperiile mor la apogeu. Ti se face lene sa mai lupti, ca le ai cam pe toate. Si atunci vine unu si-ti fute meciu si te obliga sa reactionezi: acuma sa vedem cum reactionam, ne trezim, luptam, sau pierim.