De la la no-ip.
Le-am scris alora de la Dyn.
Support Query:
Category: Dyn Standard DNS
Topic: I want to cancel/refund my service (SD) Domain name: Dear Support Team,
I have more like a commercial question.
I am using DynDNS Standard since 2014. I was happy with the service , so in
2015 when you added an extra 5 bucks to the yearly cost , I thought “Screw it! It’s quite comfortable to use their service and it’s also good quality so I am not gonna leave for $5”.
I checked in options to renew the service again , as it’ll expire mid March for me and noticed that you decided to charge now $60/yr. For the very same service. So , alright , your service is fine I am not going to push invented complains towards you . However , the competition , like no-ip , offers pretty much same service for for less than half the price if you own the domain(s). And I’ve seen no limitation in the number of queries they allow for the domains ( not that I’d be worried for reaching my current limit with you, but it may happen ) .
It is likely that I will not renew the service with you because the yearly price increase tends to go geometric with you , as it seems.
Is there any particular reason for this price increase?
I am well aware that I am a very small customer and you may simply disregard my question and it’s absolutely fine if you do it. I am just curious if something came up in the cost , or the market of these services that makes you increase the price so high for this usage model.
Also , I just want to make you aware , that for this amount of money, one could get full hosting service of a small web app/ domain , to some hosting company and not needing this service at all.
Iar ei mi-au raspuns super cool:
Thank you for your recent ticket to Dyn, Recently we increased the price on our Standard DNS product. The increase allows Dyn to continue making enhancements to our award-winning network and maintain an industry leading
100 percent uptime for the future.We understand the increase may be an inconvenience for your business and as a preferred customer, we have refunded $25.00 to your credit card. Please continue to enjoy our standard DNS service at our original rate. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know.
Have a wonderful day!
Foarte tare! Voiam sa plec, dar pentru ca au zis ca mi-au pus banii inapoi mi-era oarecum rusine. Din “fericire” sa zic asa , nu au intrat, le-am zis ca am schimbat cardul si ca n-o sa intre si le-am zis si sa isi ia banii inapoi ( si ca le multumesc, bla bla bla).
Mi-au zis ca de fapt e vorba de un fel de cupon in contul meu dyn si ca la activarea noului an voi plati mai putin .
Super. Serios. Nu am de ce sa ma plang. Nu am avut niciun minut de downtime.Si , ok , mai mergea un an pe $30. Dar nu pot sa ma milogesc anual sa-mi tina ei pretul ca la concurenta. Ca nici nimic nu primesc in plus, cred…
Asa ca m-am dus la no-ip. Vad ca astia au un mic lag in activarea serviciilor dupa plata . Sper sa nu se manifeste asa “by default” ca plec inapoi. Ah , de plata voiam sa zic. Astia , no-ip au $33 eur pentru Plus Managed DNS , cam acelasi drac cu Standard DNS de la dyn. Doar ca astia se ofera sa iti si inregistreze un domeniu in banii astia( cu terminatie TLD) . Cum am deja , costa $24.99, super , doar ca nu prea. Astea’s preturile in US. Cand scrii acolo adresa de Europa , pac +5 dolari ( 20% VAT). Gen , bine , muie cu flegme sa vedeti ce imi fac eu un cont bancar in .CH sau in .HK. Eeeee, mai vorbim noi.
Can’ te gandesti ca americanii se plang ca au taxe prea mari.