TravBot 0.6 [0]

This is a bot script that playes travian independently ( more or less.).

It needs a little bit of config , but it also has its own built in small intelligence.

Bot is downloadable on or on

When you download the updated version , you do not need  to reconfigure  your accounts. Just save  the config folder from the previous version , and overwrite the new config of the newest version. This is unless specified otherwise.

Cand  Downloadati varianta updatata , nu este nevoie sa  reconfigurati contul / conturile . Salvati-va doar folderul config din varianta veche , si suprascrieti-l pe cel din varianta nou downloadata.

Acest lucru este valabil doar daca nu se specifica altfel in versiunea nou updatata. La upgradeuri majore , este posibil ca folderul config ,sa sufere modificari.


This thread will followup with config how to do and  with new updates.

[02.05.2010 08:30AM – Fixed BUG that  was not allowing player to configure build workshop by name . The function  was calling build stable instead. Check  the sites for updated version ]

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