Iar cu “presa” din Romania.El Chapo. Nu, bă proștilor , n-a evadat.

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In afara de stirea de la protv , tot ce vedeti sunt stiri care anunta ca a evadat mexicanu  ala din nou. Sa vezi comentarii cu , “smecherie fratica” , “gg” si alte mizerii . Eu am primit asta pe facebook , pe o “filiera” partial interlopă Ce se mai bucura grangurii la d-astea.

Aia de pe antena3 s-au prins ca au halit-o si au sters. Restul, nu. Ba , wowbiz a scris chiar ieri despre asta .

Pentru restu e greu cu  engleza. Si e greu sa verifici sursele , macar cu google. Nu conteaza ce tehnologii apar. Cu prostii nu te poti pune.


Toate articolele dau ca sursa ABCNews , dar ma gandesc ca nu s-a obosit nimeni sa citeasca , sau sa citeasca pana la capat.In timp ce imi formulam  injuriile pentru halitorii romani am observat ca  si americanii care au citit articolul in limba lor au halit-o maxim. Doua zile la rand.


Si ca sa ne lamurim:

Articolul e de pe : http://abcnews.com.co/

In timp ce abcnews scrie de fapt pe: http://abcnews.go.com/

Com.co  sau go.com , tot aia e. Pentru public poate , dar daca esti “jurnalist” ar trebui sa stii detalii d-astea.


Ma rog , eu m-am prins de la :

Sarah Bradley, a spokeswoman for Sock It Forward, a group that provides the homeless and those less fortunate with brand new socks, told ABC News that she is sickened by the United State’s drug policies.

“The war on drugs is a joke and long-lost battle,” Bradley said. “The U.S. creates these cartels by making drugs illegal in the first place. They lock up people in jail for as little as a joint of marijuana. All the incarcerations related to drugs have helped fund a trillion-dollar penal system; from its lawyers, to judges, to the prison staff and the actual prisons themselves. All of it is just pathetic and truly a sad reality.” Bradley continued, “Also, thank you to everyone that has supported our cause in giving new socks to the homeless, it means so much. Please, give what you can.”


Fappy The Anti-Masturbation Dolphin, a mascot for a Christian organization that travels around the country educating children about the dangers and consequences of masturbation, told Fox News he believes in what El Chapo is doing.

“El Chapo stopped all of the masturbation at his prison and felt his work in stopping self-rape could be used elsewhere. It was time for him to move on. So brave! Praise El Chapo!”


Nu conteaza, intre timp , beti pentru “El Chapo” idolul oricarui “mafiot” roman , si simbolul unui stat de drept esuat.


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