Consideratiune politica si respect



Un coleg indian pune o poza pe facebook cu el dand mana cu prim ministrul Indiei,  in Berlin. Si mentioneaza “oportunitatea unica de a… “.  Pentru ca e o poza distribuita exclusiv in cercul de prieteni n-are sens s-o pun aici.

Cert e ca in aproximativ o ora a “adunat” cam 100 de like-uri, si vreo 20 de comentarii, in principiu de felicitari. L-am felicitat si eu. Nu prentru ca a avut sansa…

Ci pentru ca e o mare realizare sa ai un prim ministru cu care poti sa dai mana. 

Gen, ma si imaginez punand o poza in care dau mana cu Ponta. Nu ca n-as primi vreun like, dar cred ca ar bate vantul instantaneu in lista mea de prieteni si singurele comentarii ar fi cu muie si sloboz.

Motiv pentru care in ipotetica situatie imposibila in care ar trebui sa dau mana cu prim ministrul tarii mele, cea mai inteligenta schema  ar fi aia a Eugeniei Bouchard . Sau poate mai bine, replica . Nu, nu glumesc. Eu n-as avea curaj sa ii intind mana, sau ma rog, daca as face-o  ca sunt totusi om cu bun simt cand nu scriu pe blog, m-as uita sa nu imi faca nimeni poze. Mi-as trage basca sau parul mai pe ochi asa.


Because I will share this on facebook and likely my Indian colleague will see the post and  will possibly wonder what am I saying about this, I feel that I have  to translate it in English as well.

So here it is :

An Indian colleague shares on facebook a picture with him shaking his hand with the prime minister of India, in Berlin.  And mentions “the unique opportunity …”. Because it’s a picture he shared exclusively in  his circle of friends, there’s no reason to show it here .

The fact is that in  about an hour he  got around 100 likes and  about 20 comments , basically all congratulating him.  I did the same. But not because he had the unique opportunity…

But because it is a great accomplishment to have a prime minister whom you can shake hands with.

Like,  I even imagine myself  sharing a picture  where I shake hands with Ponta (  the Romanian prime minister ).  Not that I wouldn’t get any “like”, but I think I’d quickly run out of friends and the only comments would be  full of “suck”.

Reason why, in the hypothetical  and impossible situation that I would need to shake hands with the prime minister of my country, the most intelligent move  would be the one of Eugenie Bouchard. Or better, the response she got. No, I am not joking.  I wouldn’t have the courage to lend my hand, or, ok , if I would do it just because I am a man more educated than you can see on my blog, I’d look around not to be photographed  by anyone. I’d pull down my hat, or my hair on my face.


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