De felul meu sunt usor antisocial , mai degraba , as zice egoist. Sa spunem ca am spirit comunitar foarte selectiv…la modul actionez doar in…
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An internet service that allows the user to convert the media from youtube to mp3 and download it for listening when offline has raised a…
Se spune ca vacanta la mare in Septembrie este pentru cei care nu isi permit sa mearga in plin sezon, sau sunt zgarciti. No comment:).…
Managers, all dream to manage, to create strategies and set guidelines to their employees. Unfortunately, often it happens that decisions fall unilaterally and inflexibly from…
… iar cine imi reproseaza ca n-am scris corect respectivul cuvant, sau respectiva expresie … stie el.
Plm , presupuneti si voi ca exista. Gen toma , de la taman, tocmai ….etc. Pe blogul sta e voie sa ma prostesc. Doar…
Below you can find the basic instructions for configure the bot in order to properly function for 1 account. The configuration spectrum is virtually limited…
This is currently the 6th release of my bot. What does it do? I.[Basic Explanation] It knows to build buildings , to recruit troops-colonists-general(s) , …
As the title said you can add comments here describing bugs encountered in the script. A special DB reporting will be created , but until…
This is a bot script that playes travian independently ( more or less.). It needs a little bit of config , but it also has…
1.1 Detin in posesie mai multe harddiskuri de care sunt mandru….de cele mai multe. Desi eram de o alta parere , recent imbratisez cu reticenta ideea…
Cine e FMI si interesele cui le reprezinta? Cu ce se ocupa? Cine contracteaza imprumutul? Cine este beneficiarul? Cine este platitorul ratelor? Cu ce garantam…
Uneori nu le pasa, alteori le pasa prea mult….